Sunday, July 25, 2010

Compensation Management 10--SCDL

Compensation Management 10

What is the main objective of the promoting Discount and finance house of
India (DFHI) ?
Increasing transactions of money market assets
A portfolio manager need not necessarily sell or purchase securities
separately for each client.
During the budget 2003 - 04, Finance Minister made some announcements which
he hopes will make investors think in terms of returning to stock market :-
No capital gains tax on investment made in equity after 1/3/03 held for 1
year , Removal of income tax on dividends in the hands of receiver
What is the time frame to submit a report to SEBI for acquisition
transactions arising out of firm allotment in public issues right issues
21 days
Who can buy or sell securities on containing the certificate of
Underwriter , Merchant banker , Investment advisor
Which company was responsible for spreading the equity culture in India ?
Reliance Industries
When is the share of the target company deemed to be frequently traded
If the turnover in the preceding 6 months prior to the month in which PA is
made is m ore than 5%
What are the facilities offered by NSDL?
Enable surrender and withdrawal of securities to and from the depository ,
Maintain the investor's holdings in an electronic form , Effect settlement
of securities traded on exchanges
What is a Point of sale terminal?
Mechanism for collecting debit card payments
What must be the quality of a good portfolio manager?
Sound General knowledge , Analytical ability and marketing skills ,
SEBI can investigate and inspect books of accounts and records of insiders.
The depository can legally transfer beneficial ownership.
The issue price for placement portion and net offer to public are not the
What is Discretionary Portfolio management service ?
Client gives his money for investment to the portfolio manager and leaves it
to him to make all the investment decisions.
In case of a public issue by a listed company participation by promoters in
the proposed issues in excess of the required minimum percentage shall also
be looked in for a period of ________.
1 year
RBI has permitted all commercial banks, financial institutions and large
corporates to issue certificate of deposits.
 Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Charge card
Form of plastic money
Form of plastic money
Warning Bulletin
Authenticity test
Authenticity test
Credit information company
SBI, HDFC bank
SBI, HDFC bank
Credit card issuing company
Visa/Master Card
Visa/Master Card

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
A worker produces 50 units a week of 06 days and piece rate is Rs.2/- per
piece. Then his earning will be :-
Work study department is engaged in activities like determining :-
Standard procedure
Better production planning & control is facilitated through :-
Job cards.
If an employee pays fees for attending some management course, the fees can
be allowed for deduction from salary income.
For adequate and effective internal check on disbursement of wages, these
factors are important :-
Proper time recording , Proper record of output by workers , Well-defined
terms of remuneration and incentive schemes
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Good compensation system
Avoid exploitation
Higher skills
High demand & Low supply
High compensation
Long working hours
Equal work
Equal pay
Equal pay
Unskilled worker
Lower compensation
Lower compensation

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
Indirect compensation mainly acts as :-
Maintenance factor
In graduated time rates system, if basic salary is Rs.2000 and dearness
allowance is 150% then total remuneration will be :-
Source documents for preparations of wages are :-
Daily time sheet , Weekly time sheet. , Attendance register.
Wages of inspector at a particular point of production comes under :-
Direct labour cost.
Production bonus is calculated on the basis of output norms decided through
Job analysis , Time studies
Profit sharing, as an incentive plan, realizes these advantages :-
Higher profits , Increased efficiency , Climate for better employee
________ is financial / quantitative statement prepared & approved prior to
a period of time.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Idle time due to tea breaks
Direct costs
Direct costs
Basic Salary
Gross Earning
Gross Earning
Professional Tax
Overtime due to general pressure of work
Indirect costs.
Indirect costs.

Indirect labour cost are distributed on a basis of suitable proportion.
If the rent paid by employee for his accommodation is equal to or more than
the value of rent-free house, the value of the concession in rent is 'NIL'.
________ provides benefits at the time of retirement/ death / following
disability of worker.
Deferred plan
Equal remuneration Act, 1976 discriminates on the ground of sex against
women in the matter of employment.
By using straight piece rate system of compensation output :-
Gradewise flat allowances are also being considered generally except where
tax exemption benefit are still available.
Incentive schemes should be installed right from beginning of production.
Wage differentials have been classified into ________ categories.
________ refers to compensation programmes that allow employees to choose
the type and quantity of reward desired by him during the year.
Cafeteria style compensation
Demerits of time rate system at ordinary level are :-
No distinction between efficient and inefficient workers at regards output ,
Increase the cost of production in case of low productivity
Employees are paid incentives on 'Time' basis if :-
Units of output are difficult to measure , Delays in work are frequent ,
Quality is prime consideration
Economic system does result in the concentration of wealth.
With about 2-5 years of experience, an employee can move upto manager level
from executive level in IT industry.
Salary is still the only or chief motivator for IT employees.
Group incentive system is more widely prevalent in the Indian industry than
the system of individual incentive.
To minimize disparity in wages & levels, following act is passed :-
Minimum wages Act
Provident Funds can be of the following types :-
Statutory Provident Fund , Recognised Provident Fund , Public Provident Fund
Prevailing market rate is also known as :-
Comparable wage
Carpenters engaged in cutting of wood in a furniture making shop is an
example of :-
Direct labour
During the research it was found that in certain cities prevailing wage rate
are ________where as organizational ability to pay is more.
Very low
Documents used for wage analysis are :-
Job cards , Wage sheets
The contemporary practice for enhancing organizational growth involves
focuses on internal and external factors such as :-
Customer needs , Market trends , Costs
For higher management, ________ are influenced by the size of a company,
specific industry and the process of decision making.
Cost of time spent on conducting interviews & selecting a candidate for
________ is called Replacement cost.
Job cluster is defined as the stable group of :-
Job Classification
If the idle time is controllable and normal, its cost is treated as ________
Overtime payment given to the worker for completing work before scheduled
date art the instruction of buyer is treated as ________ cost
Differential piece rate system is suitable where :-
Fixed costs are higher in proportion to veriable cost , It is possible to
count production accurately , There are standardised methods of production
The approach of managerial / executive staff towards the perquisites has
changed since last :-
10 years , 9 years , 8 years
Casual workers comes under ________ class of workers.
Monetary incentive plans result in :-
Greater output per man-hour , Lower unit cost , Higher wages
Payment is done on the basis of units of output, incase of ________ workers.
If classification system is used, the jobs are already categorized into
grade or :-
The approach of managerial / executive staff towards the perquisites has
changed since last :-
8 years , 10 years , 9 years
According to the thinking and beliefs of these young persons, the major need
filled by marriage is biological and this can be easily satisfied out of :-
At germination stage, to attract and retain talent, dotcom companies offer :
Stock option
In Payroll process, a Journal entry is treated as Control entry to :-
Book deductions effected during the month , Book expenses for the month on
account of payroll , Make remittances to respective authorities
When a dotcom company starts earning profits, promoters are focused on the
launch of:-

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