Saturday, July 24, 2010

C Programming 7--SCDL

C Programming 7:

 Select The Blank
Operation between an integer and real always yields ________ result
  Correct Answer  
a real
  Your Answer  
a real

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which operators are used to access the individual structure element.
  Correct Answer  
. , ->
  Your Answer  
. , ->

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which of the following fuctions require a single string as a parameter?
  Correct Answer  
strlen , strlwr , strupr
  Your Answer  
strlen , strlwr , strupr

If the file is absent, fopen() returns NULL.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

When array elements are passed to a function with call by reference, function has pointer arguments.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
If the function message() is to be called, which of the following statements is correct?
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
________ function is used to remove any data remaining in the buffer.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Address of the last element
Always size of array - 1
Always size of array - 1
Call by value in function
Passing values of array elements
Passing values of array elements
Call by reference in function
Passing addressess of array elements
Passing addressess of array elements
Base address
Address of 1st element in an array
Address of 1st element in an array

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which of the following are valid types of function calls?
  Correct Answer  
call by value , call by reference
  Your Answer  
call by value , call by reference

When array is declared with rows and columns it is called as 2-D i.e. two dimensional array
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='d';float f=1; printf("%c", c); printf("%d", c * f);}
  Correct Answer  
d , 0
  Your Answer  
d , 100

strupr() function is used to convert a string into upper case.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
________ instruction ensures that the instructions are executed in the same order in which they appear in the program.
  Correct Answer  
Sequence Control
  Your Answer  
Sequence Control

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The command line arguments are :-
  Correct Answer  
argc , argv
  Your Answer  
argc , argv , arg1

scanf is used to accept the input from the user.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
The break statement is used to exit from:-
  Correct Answer  
A for loop
  Your Answer  
A for loop

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which of the following fuctions require number of characters as one of the parameters?
  Correct Answer  
strncmp , strnset , strncpy
  Your Answer  
strncmp , strnset , strncpy

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Which of the following modes are used to read from a file?
  Correct Answer  
r , r+
  Your Answer  
r , r+

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
In which type, the values are passed to a function?
  Correct Answer  
call by value
  Your Answer  
call by value

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
Integer can have maximum value
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which type of I/O functions are used to receive input from keyboard?
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What will be the output? main(){ char name[10]="String",n[10]; puts(strcpy(n,name)); printf("%d",strcmp(n,name));}
  Correct Answer  
String , 0
  Your Answer  
String , 1

 Select The Blank
There are as many as ________ odd operators in C which can affect the evaluation of an expession in subtle and unexpected ways
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which of the following is valid statement to declare a string?
  Correct Answer  
char name[20];
  Your Answer  
char name[20];

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
When you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?
  Correct Answer  
Address of the first element of the array [base address]
  Your Answer  
Address of the first element of the array [base address]

 Select The Blank
Break / continue is generally associated with ________.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

A value of object changes when event occurs.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
Booch emphasises development of mechanisms with ________ model.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
Arithmatic operations can be performed on characters where their ________ value is used.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
________ function appends first n characters of a string at the end of another
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Single Answer
The collaboration diagram shows interaction between objects and sequence of activities denoted by :-
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which of the following is correct application of a structure.
  Correct Answer  
interacting with the mouse
  Your Answer  
uninstalling a mouse

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
An expression contains relational operators, assignement operators, and arithmatic operators. In the absence of parentheses, they will be evaluated in which of the following order?
  Correct Answer  
Arithmetic, relational, assignment
  Your Answer  
Arithmetic, relational, assignment

 Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
contiguous memory
structure elements
structure elements
int *a;
an integer pointer
an integer pointer
char *ch;
a character pointer
a character pointer
a format specifier of address of the value.
a format specifier of address of the value.

There are basically 5 types of instructions in C
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
________ enable us to specify the order in which the various instructions in a program are to be executed by the computer.
  Correct Answer  
Control Instructions
  Your Answer  
Control Instructions

All structure elements are stored in contiguous memory locations.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

 Select The Blank
The set of statements belonging to a function are enclosed within a pair of ________.
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What will be the output of the following main(){ char c='ab',d='A'; printf("%d", c+d); printf("%d",2*(c+d));}
  Correct Answer  
162 , 324
  Your Answer  
162 , 324

 Select The Blank
In analytical phase ________ diagrams are achieved representing a system.
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Single Answer
Name the header file in which FILE is defined :-
  Correct Answer  
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 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What will be the output? main ( ) { int suite = 3 ; switch (suite) { case 1:printf( "\nDiamonds" ) ; case 2:printf( "\nSpade" ) ; default :printf( "\nHeart" ) ; }printf ("\nI thought one wears a suite") ; }
  Correct Answer  
Heart , I thought one wears a suite
  Your Answer  
Heart , I thought one wears a suite

 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
What will be the output of the following main(){ int a = 1;float f=1; printf("%d", a * f); printf("%f", a * f); printf(%f",(a + f ) * 100);}
  Correct Answer  
0 , 1.000000 , 200.000000
  Your Answer  
0 , 1.000000 , 200.000000

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
A state chart diagram shows two states, one of the state and the other of
  Correct Answer  
Transition between two states
  Your Answer  
Transition between two states

 Multiple Choice Single Answer
In this the condition is specified at the end of the loop :-
  Correct Answer  
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The return statement should present at the end of the called function.
  Correct Answer  
  Your Answer  

While passing an array elements to a function by call by value we pass values of array elements to the function
  Correct Answer  
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